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Posts tagged with 'pitta'

Recipes: Portuguese Carob Almond Cake + Portugal Retreat

Last month, I traveled to Portugal for the first time. I knew even before the plane had landed that the trip ahead held magic and significance for me. Flying over Lisbon, I could feel that mix of curious excitement and assuredness that where I was heading was exactly where I needed to be. And it was. There are few places in the world where I’ve arrived and let out a …

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Living Ayurveda: Making Ghee

Making ghee is more an act of sacred ceremony than it is cooking a simple condiment. Though ghee itself is a diverse staple in the modern home kitchen and medicine cabinet, the process of making ghee has ancient roots. In Vedic culture, ghee has been celebrated as a symbol of nourishment and health, and touted as the food of the gods in the Vedic texts.

“Tongue of the gods,” “navel of …

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Recipes: Crispy Pan-Roasted Brussels Sprouts + Thanksgiving Guide 2017

The holidays are here again and this means more time in the kitchen and around the table. For some, this is a favorite time of year. For others, it brings a pit of anxiety in the stomach thinking about travel, relatives, those awkward social situations and that food you might not really want to eat…I feel you! This year, rather than just a recipe guide, I wanted to create an …

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Recipes: Tulsi Mint Tea

A few weeks ago, I was preparing to fly out to Sonoma to lead our last retreat of the summer. I found myself frantically rushing around to get ready. In between client sessions, errands, packing and planning, I also had to eat. So one afternoon, I jumped into the kitchen to start cooking. I was cutting the vegetables, rinsing the lentils, getting everything prepped to go on the eventual plate. If you’ve ever cooked, …

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Recipes: Minted Quinoa, Corn & Mung Bean Salad

This summer I’ve been facing the proverbial question every human seeks to answer at some point in their life. What is my greater purpose on this planet? Really since the election last fall, I’ve been asking myself the question of how can I make a bigger difference in the world. Is my work meaningful? Am I using my time and talents as efficiently as I can? Am I truly living my …

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Remedies: Ayurvedic Sleep Tonic

An Ayurvedic Ojas-boosting drink for better sleep, made with dates, almonds, spices and ashwagandha.

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Recipes: Morel Mushroom & Butternut Squash Pasta

I’ve been a bit seasonally confused lately. I left the cold Midwest winter last month and landed in Kauai on my birthday. It’s been an incredible month settling into the island and receiving her many blessings, including the abundance of gorgeous produce here. Saturday markets are filled with fruits and vegetables I’d never heard of before…soursop, egg fruit, bread fruit, longons, and over 80 varieties of avocados that I’m tasting my …

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Recipes: Kabocha Squash Pie + Thanksgiving Guide 2016

Growing up with digestive issues, holidays were a notorious struggle for me. I loved the social experience of coming together to cook and share a feast around the table, but the food invariably left me feeling less than great. I would loathe the questions about why I wasn’t eating meat or couldn’t do the gravy on the mashed potatoes. One Thanksgiving, my sweet mother announced I could plan the …

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Yoga: Yoga Nidra & The Art of Slowing Down

Last summer, I found myself completely and utterly exhausted. As a yoga teacher with a business based on wellness, you would think I’d have my personal wellness plan figured out all the time. But I’m human, too, and fell into the trap of wanting to achieve more, work harder, play harder.  And in my mind, I was eating all the “right things” and doing all the “right practices”, but …

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