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Posts tagged with 'summer'

Recipe: Cooling Coriander, Basil & Lime Drink

As summer wanes and we transition to autumn, our digestive fire (Agni) is furthered weakened. We want to incorporate foods that have some pungency to increase digestion, but we also don’t want to burn up anymore than we already are – after all, we’re coming out of a hot summer! And for many of us, it’s been an intense heat wave this month…

This recipe is a quick and easy drink …

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Recipes: White Chocolate Chyawanprash Cups + A Lotus Blooming Herbs Giveaway

It’s Mother’s Day this weekend, and I wanted to make something special for my mom while we share this holiday together for the first time in a while. We’re both Ayurvedic practitioners and foodies, so we’re often sharing kitchen stories, new product finds or Ayurveda articles with one another. A few years ago, I discovered Lotus Blooming Herbs and fell in love with their Chyawanprash. Their formula is …

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Recipes: Garden Green Soup + A Simple Soup Formula

It’s officially spring, which on Kauai actually feels more like summer. It’s more like 2-ish seasons here on the island – hot and rainy, or cool and rainy! In between big downpours of jungle rain, the sun comes out in full blast and it feels like a Louisiana swamp when the trade winds are gone. This didn’t leave much time for my body to transition out of winter practices, and …

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Recipes: Crumble Bars from Golubka Kitchen

I planted the first seeds for a food blog when I was living in Paris in 2010. I was attending Sciences Po to study international affairs and political science, but my real passion was wellness. I had just completed my yoga teacher training the summer before and was practicing Ashtanga avidly. On weekday mornings before school, I would walk from the 4th arrondissement across the bridge to the 5th to …

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Recipes: Portuguese Carob Almond Cake + Portugal Retreat

Last month, I traveled to Portugal for the first time. I knew even before the plane had landed that the trip ahead held magic and significance for me. Flying over Lisbon, I could feel that mix of curious excitement and assuredness that where I was heading was exactly where I needed to be. And it was. There are few places in the world where I’ve arrived and let out a …

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Recipes: Tulsi Mint Tea

A few weeks ago, I was preparing to fly out to Sonoma to lead our last retreat of the summer. I found myself frantically rushing around to get ready. In between client sessions, errands, packing and planning, I also had to eat. So one afternoon, I jumped into the kitchen to start cooking. I was cutting the vegetables, rinsing the lentils, getting everything prepped to go on the eventual plate. If you’ve ever cooked, …

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Recipes: Minted Quinoa, Corn & Mung Bean Salad

This summer I’ve been facing the proverbial question every human seeks to answer at some point in their life. What is my greater purpose on this planet? Really since the election last fall, I’ve been asking myself the question of how can I make a bigger difference in the world. Is my work meaningful? Am I using my time and talents as efficiently as I can? Am I truly living my …

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Remedies: Ayurvedic Sleep Tonic

An Ayurvedic Ojas-boosting drink for better sleep, made with dates, almonds, spices and ashwagandha.

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Recipes: Cucumber Seaweed Salad

It’s the last days of summer here in Oklahoma. Though technically we’ve passed the equinox and are fully into fall on the calendar, there’s always this lingering heat the last few weeks of September and early days of October here.  Plus, I’m packing up to leave for Malibu next week, where I’ll be cooking for a 4 day retreat by the …

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