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Posts tagged with 'spring'

Recipe: Spring Celery & Barley Soup

Spring is here. This morning, I woke to a full sun blaring outside my window, rising an hour earlier to melt last night’s chilly frost and to remind me that this too shall pass. The season changing once again to usher in something new. And a breath of hope and possibility as the light grows stronger and the days longer. Sunday brings the Spring Equinox.

What a tremendous time we are …

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Recipes: Align with Spring + A Giveaway with Anaya Home

There’s a tangible sense of freshness in the air and life’s pace seems to be quickening as we move from the hibernation of winter and into spring. With longer days and a welcomed warmth ahead, slow afternoon lunches and sunset dinners outside beckon us to reconnect around the table and with the natural world. I’ve found myself setting the table and savoring this time outdoors again. I’ve teamed up with …

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Recipes: Garden Green Soup + A Simple Soup Formula

It’s officially spring, which on Kauai actually feels more like summer. It’s more like 2-ish seasons here on the island – hot and rainy, or cool and rainy! In between big downpours of jungle rain, the sun comes out in full blast and it feels like a Louisiana swamp when the trade winds are gone. This didn’t leave much time for my body to transition out of winter practices, and …

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Recipes: Five Minute Miso Bowl

These days, I’ve been finding myself spending more time focusing my creative energy behind the computer than in the kitchen. Creating a book has me thinking, talking, writing, studying, testing and photographing food in its many forms and purposes daily. Yet, I must confess, when it comes to actually feeding myself I’ve become admittedly lazy. A quick daal. A pot of kitchari. A steamed sweet potato and broccoli. …

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Recipes: Asparagus & Barley Bowl

Have you noticed? Ayurveda is starting to gain more momentum in the mainstream–from Goop to Hillary Clinton to Oprah–people are curious what this science is and how it applies to their health. There has been a great run of new books coming out this year exploring food and self-care, and there are two that have really caught my eye: Laura Plumb’s Ayurveda Cooking for Beginners and …

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Recipes: Crumble Bars from Golubka Kitchen

I planted the first seeds for a food blog when I was living in Paris in 2010. I was attending Sciences Po to study international affairs and political science, but my real passion was wellness. I had just completed my yoga teacher training the summer before and was practicing Ashtanga avidly. On weekday mornings before school, I would walk from the 4th arrondissement across the bridge to the 5th to …

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Recipes: Nourishing Immunity Soup

A teacher of mine once said it’s a good thing when you’re being chiseled and polished by the challenges of life. If so, then the past month has carved new edges and facets into my being. Like a crystal with its many faces, when held to the light you can see the complexities that lie within, shaped by time and pressure. And when angled into the sun, sometimes all those …

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Recipes: Turmeric Polenta, Roasted Beets & Greens

As the season shifts, so does my spice box. Slowly as winter gives way to a warmer spring and summer, the mustard seeds give way to more fennel and coriander. Saffron and cardamom tint my homemade nut milks and an extra pinch of turmeric accompanies my grains and greens. Almost intuitively, I find myself reaching for certain spices that not only flavor a meal but bring balance and support to …

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Recipes: Dandelion Latte

I’ve been in a continuous state of transience for the past two years, living part time in Kauai and Oklahoma and traveling in between. The last six months I’ve found myself in New Mexico, California, New York, England, Germany, Portugal, Singapore, Vietnam, Arizona, Oahu, Kauai and Oklahoma. I’m tired just typing that. And while I value my travel experiences and opportunities so much, I finally hit that point of craving …

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