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Posts tagged with 'spring'

Recipes: Minted Quinoa, Corn & Mung Bean Salad

This summer I’ve been facing the proverbial question every human seeks to answer at some point in their life. What is my greater purpose on this planet? Really since the election last fall, I’ve been asking myself the question of how can I make a bigger difference in the world. Is my work meaningful? Am I using my time and talents as efficiently as I can? Am I truly living my …

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Recipes: Taos Blue Corn Muffins + Taos Retreat

Taos has always held a fond place in my heart. There’s something so special about its many micro climates, of vast horizons over the sage spotted mesa, the white cotton candy-like clouds painting shadows and light across the expansive views, the cold mountain streams tracing pathways through the aspens. It takes my breath away every time.

My dear friend and I have been making annual trips to Taos for the last four …

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Remedies: Lunar Herbal Infusions

From stones to plants, nature provides us with an abundance of resources to nourish our bodies and minds. It’s easy to become depleted in the fast pace of urban living, but sometimes all we need are little connections to the natural elements in our homes and kitchens to help us sync back to nature’s rhythms. Working with the healing energy of crystals and the nutritive properties of plants through …

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Recipes: Vegetable Pho

Quest Food (n.) ‘kwest-ˈfüd : a dish so spectacularly satisfying to your taste buds you spend a lifetime searching for the perfect version of this meal wherever you travel; an endless pursuit for perfection of your desired dish. Example: “Phô is my personal quest food.” 

I love pho. I also love vegetables. And I’ve spent the better half of my life as a vegetarian…so what’s a girl to do when one of …

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Recipes: Potato & Asparagus Salad with The Green Life

One of my favorite parts of food blogging is the opportunity to connect with incredible artisans, makers and culinary creators from around the world.  And if there’s one thing I’ve seen in this community – there are some seriously talented women out there shaping the way we eat, think and feel about food!  This series on the Vidya Living Journal highlights the kitchen goddesses out there who inspire me each day with their ingenuity of …

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Recipes: Plantain Brownies

I’ve done the near impossible! I’ve created the most perfect brownie recipe that’s gluten-free, nut-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free, doesn’t taste like cardboard or strange hippie healthy takes on dessert, and it’s under 10 ingredients!  I’m making a valiant effort to create less intensive recipes these days, and this one falls under the category of beyond simple.  I actually developed this recipe well over a year ago (I know, …

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Recipes: Spring Greens & Mung Bean Tacos

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know Cinco de Mayo for me marks the beginning of what I’ve declared “Taco Season” – because usually by the 5th of May it’s consistently in the 70’s and that feels like a suitable enough time for me to start diving into bowls of guacamole! Anyone else with me here?The first year I shared this tradition, …

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Recipes: Brown Rice Porridge with Rhubarb Ginger Compote

I’ve never been a big savory breakfast eater, let alone much of a breakfast eater at all. Give me a big mug or two of tea and I’m content until lunch time. But in the days where the mornings are chilly and I wake up with a big appetite, porridge is my go-to. If you couldn’t tell already, I’m a big fan of …

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Recipes: Spring Beluga Lentil & Beet Salad with Coriander Vinaigrette

Hello Spring! As I lead a global group through our third annual spring cleanse, I have food on the brain…quite literally! This post explores the subtle layers of cooking and how the tastes of each food creates not only a physical experience, but a mental/emotional experience as well.

Ayurveda explains that there are six rasas or tastes: Sweet, Sour, Salty, Pungent, Bitter and Astringent. Each of …

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